MITCHELL WEITZMAN - 2023 Fund A Teacher Recipient

November 2023
Dear Alpha Beta Foundation,
My name is Mitchell Weitzman and I am a third-year mathematics teacher at Berta A. Dreyfus Intermediate School 49. I am honored and privileged to have received the stipend for the Fund A Teacher Program. This year, I am teaching an ENL class where some students are new to the United States and are experiencing education for the first time as well as a general education class.
Because of this award, I was able to create as classroom environment where students feel like they are at home and feel a rustic theme of being home. In addition, I was able to buy several decorations to celebrate the different seasons that my students celebrate since they are new to the country. Although I do not have it yet, my plan is to spend the remaining money on a color printer so that I can create more resources and a calming corner to help my students regulate their emotions as well as being in an SEL component into the classroom.
In addition to creating a classroom environment with a warm and claming feeling, I also used the stipend money to purchase bulletin board borders and materials such as bulletin board paper to make a classroom environment calming but fun at the same time. I also purchased colored card stock, bins to help with differentiating the materials in my classroom for MTSS Tier 2 and Tier 3 and other materials that would help with the success of my students such as pencils, pens and mathematics manipulatives that can be used in middle school.
Being awarded this stipend has not only helped me become a better teacher, but has given my students a classroom that they would love to come back to. Since students returned from the global pandemic, I have noticed a drastic change in students having a difficult time self-regulating their emotions and having poor coping skills. Being awarded this stipend has benefited my school community as well as we receive Title 1 funding and are a high need school.
I thank you for this honor and opportunity!
Mitchell Weitzman
IS 49